Interpretation of Landform and Geological Structure using Remote Sensing Imagery
In book of Sutanto (1986), image interpretation is divided into 3 steps, detection, identification, and analysis. The approach conducted come through identification of tectonic landform elements such as fault, fold, and drainage pattern. Information of landform and geological structure are resulted to obtain the general description and the own relationship of lithology. Lithology identification is based on the approach through landform and geological structure interpretation. The following describes the steps of landform and geological structure interpretation.
Principle of Geological Reconstruction
Basic Principal of Geological Reconstruction Geological reconstruction is a process to describe geological phenomenon consisted of topography, geological structure and lithology. Basic principal in geological reconstruction that is having topographical data that can be obtained by topographical survey or DEM data that is available in many sources, geological structure and lithology. Geological structure identification is very important aspect in studying geology. Aspect related to geological structures is landform on surface. Landform classification uses the main principal about morphological formation referring to geological processes either endogenous or exogenous. Figure 1. Geological Reconstruction Principal
Hubungan Deformasi Permukaan terhadap Bentuklahan dan Struktur Geologi
Dalam mengidentifikasi deformasi permukaan akibat gempabumi diperlukan kemampuan dalam menginterpretasi struktur bentuklahan di kawasan yang terkena gempabumi untuk menghasilkan informasi yang dapat dikaitkan dengan deformasi permukaan. Pernyataan Zhang (2010) dalam Monghaddam et al (2013), bahwa kasus seperti gempabumi dan longsor yang menimbulkan deformasi permukaan dipengaruhi oleh struktur bawah permukaan seperti sesar. Faktor awal yang menyebabkan deformasi yaitu aktivitas tektonik yang terjadi secara masif dan meninggalkan hasil berupa bentanglahan dan kenampakan struktural. Perubahan lingkungan maupun komponen kecil dari bentanglahan menjadi pemicu terhadap perubahan elemen bentanglahan melalui deformasi permukaan. Energi yang menyebabkan deformasi permukaan pada wilayah bentanglahan yang aktif secara tektonik terakumulasi melalui gempabumi yang terjadi secara berulang sehingga menghasilkan stress dan…