Error Instal ArcGIS 10.1 di Windows 7 32/64 Bit
Pada saat menginstal ArcGIS 10.1 ataupun versi yang lain, sering kejadian di saat sedang menginstal, saat proses sedang berjalan, proses penginstalan gagal dan proses kembali dari nol dan gagal atau sering dikenal dengan istilah Rolling Back Action .
- In Windows, click Start > Run.
- In the Run window, type ‘regedit’.
- In the Registry Editor window, navigate to the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control
- In the Registry Editor dialog box, double-click RegistrySizeLimit. This opens the Edit DWORD Value dialog box.
If unable to find the RegistrySizeLimit key in the above path, click Edit > Find and search for RegistrySizeLimit. -show me-
If still unable to find the RegistrySizeLimit key, then create the key using the following steps:
a. Create the key by Right-Click > New > DWORD (32 or 64 –bit) Value.
b. Enter ffffffff as the ‘Hexadecimal’ value. Click the Decimal radio button
c. Enter 4294967295 as the Decimal value.
d. Select OK and proceed to Step 6, below.
- In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, enter ffffffff as the Hexadecimal value. Click on the Decimal radio button, and enter 4294967295 as the Decimal value. Click OK.
- Reboot the machine.
- Log in as an Administrator and open a Command Prompt and run ‘SFC /SCANNOW’.
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