Conservation,  Narasi

How I will use what I learn at the Youth Forum to make an impact for people and wildlife

I am a young conservationist who want to join the global fight to end wildlife trafficking. I live in Aceh, a place which has suffered Tsunami disaster on 2004 but also man-made environmental disasters like the recent fires. Unless we stop deforestation fast here we will have more flooding and landslide disasters and we could lose our incredible wildlife. What I see is that people just need to understand the connection between conservation and development better to make changes.

This is why I really like the focus of the IFAW Youth Forum website on the importance of social media and participation in the global digital network. I think we can help end wildlife crime by doing more online. This is a simple thing which all people can do including myself. Everything can be accessed online quickly. It is easier for people to inform other people around the world now. Using social media like Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Instagram, the news is not only coming from media channels but citizens can expose wildlife crime news like wildlife trade arrests and poaching crimes.

I can easily publish these on social media, write details in my WordPress and publish by Facebook or Twitter. These help other people learn the truth and especially people in my generation. I think this online action is very important because it can show the problems to law enforcers for further investigation. Photos can be created and uploaded about stats on problems like the ivory trade. I hope to learn more about how to campaign and spread information well if I am accepted at the Youth Forum, so that I can come back to Aceh and make more impact in my local area about wildlife conservation and sustainable communities

In Aceh this year almost every months there’s news about elephants found dead without their ivory. I want so much to arrange meetings between people in many villages and give them training about the dangers of the wildlife trade. I would like to show them a film about it, beginning from a healthy wildlife population, then slowly becoming a population degraded because of the wildlife trade. With skills that I learn in South Africa from others solving problems in their homelands, I hope I can come back with more ideas and confidence to encourage local people stop the wildlife trade. I would focus on educating children the most, because children are our future and hope for this world.

With the skills that I have, I can make maps which can show where wildlife trade happens, the case numbers, and when it occurred in one map, so people cannot ignore the details about wildlife trading.

In Aceh, our HAkA office has many relationships in the conservation world. I would like to help our civil society work together to disrupt and dismantle criminal syndicates involved in the trafficking of high-value wildlife species and push for policy decision on a regional mechanism for cooperation to fight wildlife trafficking from Aceh and beyond.


Muhammad Budi

Hello, My name is Muhammad Budi, I am a person who still provide my experiences and knowledge to people through a writing by this web. Right now, I am a student of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, and have hobbies such as nature and environment exploration, outdoor sports, and all of these I write down in this web. Please contact me if you need some information or else.. Thank You

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